Bequeme Boxershorts, die sowohl durch höchsten Komfort als auch durch ihr stilvolles Print-Design überzeugen. Der lockere, weite Schnitt ermöglicht viel Bewegungsfreiheit, während das weiche Baumwollmaterial ein natürliches Tragegefühl garantiert. Mit ihrem modischen Print und der praktischen Knopfleiste vorne kannst Du mit diesen Boxershorts ein modisches Statement setzen, ohne dabei auf Bequemlichkeit verzichten zu müssen.
- Modischer Print
- Lockerer Schnitt
- Praktische Knopfleiste
- mit Eingriff
Hinweis: Unser Mitarbeiter Adrian ist 190 cm und trägt Größe M
Product nr 20250122800
The OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 is a globally recognized, independent testing and certification system for textiles tested for harmful substances.
- 100% Cotton
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Secure online shopping
Favorite underwear for the whole family in the Comazo online shop
We have been producing underwear for men, women and children since 1884. In addition to timeless underwear classics, we also offer you fashionable, sophisticated designs in our online shop. The best of the best! Our high-quality selected materials also ensure the incomparable Comazo wearing comfort. With our underwear, homewear, yogawear or functional underwear, you can enjoy the unmistakable softness of Comazo favorites on your skin with a perfect fit.
The Comazo employees story
The entire Comazo online shop is designed exclusively with pictures of our own employees wearing their favorite Comazo underwear. The extraordinary idea for the “Employees as Models” campaign was born under the motto “We make favorite underwear - we wear favorite underwear”. Numerous Comazo designers, management, production and logistics employees show their favorite pieces from the Comazo underwear collections.